The Honey: Clover Honey is the most widely produced honey in the United States. This popularity is due to its abundance and overall appealing flavor. Unlike most honey that is labeled “Clover”, Walker’s Clover Honey is not a blend of clover and other honeys. If you have never experienced pure Clover Honey, we invite you to try a sample or a jar. Some people describe pure Clover Honey as “smooth” or even “buttery”.
The Plant: Clover Honey is primarily produced from what is commonly called “sweetclover” which is an umbrella used to refer to the separate species of white clover and yellow clover. This plant was integrated from Central Asia centuries ago and now grows wild on our country’s plains. Many farmers and ranchers also use clover to rebuild poor soil. As a nitrogen-fixing legume (pea family), clover is a natural soil builder and an excellent forage and hay plant.
The Provenance: Midwestern US (Montana, Dakotas, Iowa).