Spike Leg Extension Set – 9″ Shorty


Designed for the Spike Flex, CF5, CF10 or CF15, the leg extension set can help raise your fermenter to the height that works best for your brew space! **We advise to not use leg extensions for the CF30**

In stock


**We advise to not use leg extensions for the CF30**

Our leg extensions were specifically designed to bring the racking port to a height where the conical can be gravity drained into a 5 gallon corny keg. Another simple but obvious design from our engineers to make your lives easier.

The extensions screw directly into the bottom of all of our conical legs.

**We recommend a bracing shelf when using the leg extensions for added stability**

Shortly leg extension specs:
-9″ long
-Top threads for attaching to conical legs
-Bottom threads for attaching leveling feet and casters