Five Star Io-Star – 32 oz


Io-Star is a low-foaming, iodine-based sanitizer and is ideal for pump, spray, and CIP applications. Io-star may slightly tint beer lines, but have no fear – Io-Star will not affect the usability of the tubing! Io-Star is oxygen-based, promotes a favorable cleaning power, and sanitizes on contact. Io-Star is environmentally friendly and non-toxic. Plus, no rinsing is required!

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SKU: 2636 Category:


Directions for Use

Thoroughly clean surfaces with PBW or compatible cleaner.
Mix 1 oz. IO Star for every 5 gals. of water.
Apply on the surface with cloth, mop, sponge, spray, or immersion.
If using spray application, use a coarse mist, pump, or trigger sprayer and spray 6-8 inches from the surface and follow up with a brush or sponge.
Allow for a contact time of at least 1-2 minutes.
Drain, but do not rinse.
May slightly stain vinyl tubing and some plastic parts over time but will not affect the functionality.