Balazs Oak Chips | Medium Toast 4oz


Winery quality Slavonian Oak chips with Medium level toast. Recommended for use during fermentation for 1-2 months. As a starting point use 1.5-3.5 oz per 5 gallons. Taste after two months and add more if needed.

Balazs segments are made from Slavonian oak. Slavonian oak is grown in the area of Croatia that borders Hungary. While the area of Slavonia has changed hands many times, being under Hungarian control in the past, what has always remained constant is the quality of the oak grown in the region. Slavonian oak is beloved in Italy where it is widely used in the traditional and classic Italian wines of the Veneto, Tuscany and Piedmont. It is known for having the utmost respect for the fruit which is why Italian producers extensively use this oak. This makes this oak extremely useful for home winemakers who, because of the small quantities being made, need to pay special attention to not over oaking their wine.

Use: Fermentation
Form: Chips – 0.15-1.5″
Time of Contact: 1-2 months
Recommended Quantity: 0.3-0.7 oz/gal
Type: Medium Toast

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SKU: 8723 Category: